
Organizational team of ICHG2018 Warsaw and, at the same time, members of the Department of Historical Atlas of the Tadeusz Manteuffel Institute of History, Polish Academy of Sciences would like to acknowledge our partners for their effort support in preparation and performance of the conference.

We would like to thank the Tadeusz Manteuffel Institute of History, Polish Academy of Sciences for providing an accounting and administrative services, as well as for hosting ICHG delegates during two lectures at the Joachim Lelewel Hall, in the Institute, at the Old Town Market Square in Warsaw.

We would like to thank the University of Warsaw for hosting in the Old Library of the University, our main conference venue, as well as for the comprehensive support and assistance with organisation of the ICHG 2018.

We would like to thank the Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies and the Faculty of History, the University of Warsaw, for organising a group of volunteers.

We would like to thank the Polish Travel Agency Quo Vadis for organising a registration, a service at the reception desk and conference application, as well as for organising field trips.

We would like to thank the University of Bialystok, University of Lodz and the Museum of Warsaw for supporting organisation of these field trips.

We would also like to thank the Gastro Team company for an outstanding catering and excellent service of waiting staff.

Last but not least, our deepest gratitude goes to all delegates participating in the conference. Thank you very much for your commitment, dedication, work, and competence necessary to prepare your contributions, for coming to Warsaw and spending your this great time with us.

It was nice to meet you!

Marek Słoń, Head of the Department of Historical Atlas,

Bogumił Szady, Deputy Head and a coordinator of the Podlasie Team in the Department of Historical Atlas,

Wiesława Duży, coordinator of the Kujawy Team in the Department of Historical Atlas,

Tomasz Panecki, coordinator of the Cartographic Team in the Department of Historical Atlas,

Katarzyna Słomska,

Anna Paulina Orłowska,

Michał Słomski,

Michał Gochna,

Arkadiusz Borek,

Tomasz Związek,

Patrycja Szwedo,

Urszula Zachara-Związek,

Marta Kuc-Czerep,

Piotr Guzowski,

Krzysztof Boroda

– members of the research team of the Department of Historical Atlas

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5th circular

Dear ICHG 2018 Participant!

There are now only 2 days to start! Here are some final remarks concerning your visit in Warsaw:

Registration & Venue

The conference will take place at the University of Warsaw, 26/28 Krakowskie Przedmieście Street, PL-00-927 Warszawa, between Monday 16 July and Friday 20 July 2018. See map here.

The registration will be available thorough all conference days (except Wednesday – field-trip day) at the Hall inside just after the main entrance.

We’re starting at 09:00 on Monday (16.07), so be prepared to arrive at approx. 08:30 to register before sessions start!

Lunches, coffee breaks and Icebreaker are also at the Old Library (main venue).

Programme & Abstracts

Direct link to programme and abstracts

Events at the Institute of History, Polish Academy of Sciences

We would like to invite you for two lectures which will be delivered at the Institute of History, Polish Academy of Sciences:

  • Plenary keynote lecture by prof. F. Driver: Biography and geography: from the margins to the center, Sunday, 15/07/2012, at 20:00-21:00
  • An introductory lecture for the field trip Warsaw Urban Development by the chair of the LOC, prof. M. Słoń: Foundation of the both cities of Warsaw, Wednesday, 18/07/2012, at 09:00-9:30

The place of both events is: Institute of History, Polish Academy of Sciences, Address: Rynek Starego Miasta 29/31, Joachim Lelewel’s Hall (2nd floor). See map here.

Mobile application

  • The application contains basic and most important information about the conference and accompanying events (trips, gala dinner)
  • It is available for download on Android and iOS
  • Each participant will receive unique password and login sent by a separate e-mail (as well as the download link)
  • The application will allow you voting for the best poster
  • In case of any problems please contact us at the address:

Competition for the best poster

All posters – printed and digital – take part in the competition. There will be prizes for the best posters:

  • 7 money prizes (750 PLN per poster)
  • At least one special prize: the winner of which will be chosen among mentioned seven: six-month scientific internship in a selected Polish scientific institution (worth 24 000 PLN per person);
  • EXTRA: two prizes of £ 100 each funded by Routledge Publishers
  • Terms and conditions of the competition

Posters and poster sessions

Each day’s agenda (excluding Thursday) will include poster sessions which will be held in the conference rooms with IT support and short (up to 5 minutes) presentations without discussion. Participants will be able to use Power Point but the time will be strictly limited to 5 minutes. Posters will be presented all the time from Monday morning to Friday evening at the second floor of the venue. On Tuesday, there will be special Poster Exhibition (18:30-19:30) and on Friday (18:00-19:00) – the final ceremony with announcement of the winners.

Reorganization of the last day of the conference (20.07.2018)

  • Unfortunately, due to the deterioration of health, one of our key speakers, Professor H. Manikowska, had to cancel her lecture
  • Poster sessions are combined into one, from 16:00 to 17:30 (main Aula)
  • From 18:00 to 19:00: the results of the competition for posters and the closing ceremony (main Aula)

If you need any help at the conference venue due to the movement disability, please do not hesitate to contact organizers!

Should you have any question, don’t hesitate to contact us at:

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4th circular


We are pleased to announce the final programme of the conference. Printed version of the programme will be waiting for you in Warsaw, available at the registration desk (see: venue).


Invoices for those, who have not received them yet, are going to be ready at the conference. You will receive them at the registration desk (upon registering).


  1. Printed posters: Stickers with QR codes will be available for all printed posters at the registration desk upon registration. We will ask authors to place them below their posters. The dimensions are: A1 (59.4 x 84.1 cm, 23 x 33”)
  2. Digital posters: We would like to ask you to send us your digital posters as soon as possible, but no later then 09.07.2018 (Monday). If you have a printed poster, you can send a digital version of it as well, as we would like to publish all of the posters on the website available for registered users. Formats: *.jpg, *.tiff, *.pdf.
  3. Poster printing on-site: It will be possible to print your poster: please, contact out technical organizer (Polish Travel – Quo Vadis) for details.
  4. Remember that there is a competition for the best posters! There will be 7 financial prizes and – among them – one special: six-month scientific internship in one of the scientific institutions in Poland. Detailed regulations will be announced before the conference.


Each speaker has 15 minutes for their lecture. Session chair may extend this time till 20 minutes.

Field trips

We have updated the list of the field trips on which you are still able to register. We regret to inform that registration for Cracow post-conference trip has been closed.

Coming to Warsaw

We are publishing a #ichgsurvivalguide at our Facebook fanpage. If you have any question concerning travel details, please, do not hesitate to ask!

See you in Warsaw very soon!

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Dear ICHG 2018 participants!
Thank you for registration and payment. We hope that you will enjoy your trip to Poland. To make it even more unforgettable you can participate in ICHG additional events!
We would like to remind you that you can still choose from mid-conference study visits, gala dinner or the post-conference trip to Cracow.
Naturally, it is possible to purchase the attendance for the accompanying person. 

1. Gala dinner (60 EUR)
Gala dinner will be held in one of the best Warsaw restaurants Villa Foksal. The restaurant is situated in the city center in 10 minutes walk from the main venue.
2. Mid-conference study visits (45 EUR)
You can choose from four different trips. Each gives you unique opportunity to visit cities and monuments important for polish history with historians as a guide.
All mid-conference study visits are planned for Wednesday (18.07.2018). You can find a complete list here
3. Post-conference trip to Cracow 21-22.07.2018 (200 EUR)

The royal city of Kraków is one of the oldest cities in Poland and it was the capital for more than 500 years. Kraków has traditionally been one of the leading centers of Polish academic, cultural and artistic life. Here you can find a sneak peek from the streets of Cracow

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Provisional programme

We present a provisional conference programme. Until the 7th of May 2018, we are waiting for your comments to the programme which may be subject to amendment.

By the 7th of May 2018 payments of conference fees should be made by authors of papers and posters, and by the sessions chairs. Please, do remember that the deadline for EARLY BIRD PAYMENTS (reduced fees) closes on the 30th April 2018.
Please, send to
• remarks on the assignment of the paper to the session or day of the conference;
• comments on errors within the programme, e.g. wrong spelling of names, etc.;
• proposals for chairing sessions that are still without their chairs;
• other comments that will help us with the development of the programme.
The final conference programme will be prepared in the form of applications for computers and mobile devices. It will be possible to mark preferred sessions and order a free customised abstract book for the selected sessions. More information on the gala dinner, mid-conference trips and post-conference trip will be available on the website by the end of April.

Information for poster’s authors:
• the format of posters is A1 (59.4 x 84.1 cm, 23 x 33”);
• in the lower right corner, leave a 6 x 12 cm rectangle (vertically or horizontally) for the QR code and contact details of the author;
• QR code and a form to provide this data will be sent to each author;
• it will be possible to have a printout of poster before the conference.

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Submission acceptance information

Please, check your e-mails inboxes, since we have sent submission acceptance information! There will be nearly 500 papers at the conference!

Next steps involve registering for the conference and paying the conference fee (you can use this link): Conference fees are as follows:

Early booking (up to 31th March 30 April): 200 EUR (100 EUR – students) / 100 or 50 EUR for one day respectively

Late booking (after 31th March 30 April): 300 EUR (200 EUR – students) / 150 or 100 EUR for one day respectively


See you in Warsaw!

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Abstract evaluation & next conference

Thank you all for the proposals of sessions, posters and papers!

We have approximately 500 contributions, and the ISC has to work on their evaluation right now. You will get notification of acceptance at the turn of January and February 2018.

Moreover, there’s a chance of organizing the  next – 18th International Conference of Historical Geographers (2021).

The 2018 Local Organising Committee invites members of the Historical Geography community to consider hosting the 18th International Conference of Historical Geographers, due to take place in 2021. As in recent years, the location of future ICHG meetings was discussed at the final business meeting of the 2015 ICHG. A proposal to host the 2018 conference in Warsaw was approved.

The deadline for proposals (by e-mail to: is 30.06.2018

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Sponsorship and Exhibitors

The International Conference of Historical Geographers 2018 is a perfect opportunity to reach a specialist audience for your organisation. We expect more than 250 delegates from around the World to participate at Warsaw’s conference for five days. The conference addresses any aspects of historical geography and related fields including the history of cartography, history of science, and environmental history.

If You are interested in advertising yourself at the conference and book a named sponsor opportunity and/or exhibition package, please contact organizers at

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Registration deadline extended

We would like to inform, that contribution submission deadline for ICHG 2018 has been extended to 28.10.2017 for papers and sessions and to 11.11.2017 for posters, so You have some more time to prepare and submit a paper or session and even more to submit a poster.  In order to register, you can go directly to the registration pane.

Contributions are welcome on any aspect of historical geography, including focused empirical, theoretical, and historiographical contributions to historical geography and related fields including history of cartography, history of science, and environmental history.

In addition, the participation of early career scholars (BA, MA, MSc) and postgraduate (PhD) research researchers is positively encouraged since You can apply for HGRG-ICHG grant which can finance You participation in ICHG 2018.

See You in Warsaw!

PS. Feel free to visit our facebook fanpage, where You can stay in touch with some news related with planned sessions, proposed papers and people who are going to participate in ICHG 2018.

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HGRG-ICHG Bursary Scheme

We are pleased to announce that HGRG has enabled the creation of a new bursary grant fund to support scholars’ attendance at the 17th International Conference of Historical Geographers.

Grants up to a maximum value of £1,500 will be available to successful applicants. The deadline for applications is 31 October 2017. More information can be found on the HGRG website.

Attention! In case the website is offline, You can download grant form directly from here.

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