Keynote Speakers

Karen M. Morin

Prisoners and animals: An historical carceral geography

Bio: Karen M. Morin is Professor of Geography and Associate Provost at Bucknell University in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, USA. Her interests span the history of geographical thought and literacy in North America, nineteenth-century travel writing, postcolonial geographies, geography of religion, carceral geography, and critical animal studies. Her current book explores the close linkages across human and non-human animal carcerality and captivity via analysis of the prison-, agricultural-, and medical-industrial complexes.

“Women, Religion, & Space: Global Perspectives on Gender and Faith”, co-edited with Jeanne Kay Guelke (2007)

“Frontiers of Femininity: A New Historical Geography of the Nineteenth-Century American West” (2008)

“Civic Discipline: Geography in America”, 1860‒1890 (2011)

“Historical Geographies of Prisons: Unlocking the Usable Carceral Past”, co-edited with Dominique Moran (2015)

“Carceral Space, Prisoners and Animals” (2018).


Diogo de Carvalho Cabral

Overwriting the land: Alphabetic literacy and socio-environmental change in early Brazil

Bio: Dr. Diogo de Carvalho Cabral is a geographer at the Department of Geography in the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), based in Rio de Janeiro. He holds a MA in Social History and a PhD in Geography (Human Geography) from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, with a visiting period at the University of British Columbia, Canada. His main research topics include: the environmental history of pre-industrial Brazil, with an emphasis on the Atlantic Forest biome; environment, literacy and colonialism in early colonial Brazil; the agricultural geography of contemporary Brazil; human-ecological coupled systems in Brazil.

Selected publications:

“Forest transitions in tropical landscapes: A test in the Atlantic Forest biodiversity hotspot” (with R.L. Costa, J.A. Prevedello, B.G. Souza), Applied Geography, vol. 82 (2017): 93‒100

“Urbanising rainforests: Emergent socioecologies in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil” (with A. Solórzano, R.R. Oliveira), Landscape History, vol. 37 (2016): 57‒78

“Into the bowels of tropical earth: Leaf-cutting ants and the colonial making of agrarian Brazil”, Journal of Historical Geography, vol. 50 (2015): 92‒105

Na presença da floresta: Mata Atlântica e história colonial, Rio de Janeiro: Garamond/FAPERJ, 2014.


Humphrey Southall

Spaces, places, features and units: Web-enabling historical geography

Bio: Professor Humphrey Southall graduated from Cambridge University in 1976, and obtained his PhD from there in 1984. His research originally focused on the origins of the north-south divide within Britain, investigating the detailed geography of unemployment before 1914 using statistics from trade unions as well as census data and the poor law system. These statistics were for many different reporting geographies, and the need to bring them together led to his leading the development of the Great Britain Historical GIS, and the Vision of Britain web site based on it. That in turn led to an interest in alternative information architectures for historical geography, including geospatial ontologies and semantic gazetteers.

Selected publications:

“The Origins of the Depressed Areas: Unemployment, Growth, and Regional Economic Structure in Britain before 1914”, Economic History Review, 2nd series, vol. 41 (1988): 236‒258

“Agitate! Agitate! Organise!: Political travellers and the construction of a national politics, 1839‒1880”, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, NS, vol. 21 (1996): 177‒193

“Rebuilding the Great Britain Historical GIS”, Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History, Part 1, vol. 44 (3): 149‒159 (2011); Part 2, vol. 45 (3): 119‒134 (2012); Part 3, vol. 47 (1): 31‒44 (2014)

Placing Names: Enriching and integrating gazetteers, with M.L. Berman, R. Mostern, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2016


Halina Manikowska

City space as local knowledge

Bio: Halina Manikowska is Professor of History and Head of the Medieval Studies Department in the Tadeusz Manteuffel Institute of History, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland. She received her PhD in History at the University of Warsaw in 1977. Her research and teaching interests focus on religious culture and urban studies. Many of her publications concern historical geography.

Selected publications:

Krajobraz geograficzny” (Geographical Landscape), “Dzielnice i regiony. Horyzont odrębności” (Districts and Regions. Horizon of Distinctness), “Więź narodowa i państwowa” (National and State Bonds), in: B. Geremek (ed.), Kultura Polski średniowiecznej. XIV–XV w. (Culture of Medieval Poland, 14th‒15th Century, 1997)

“La topographie sacrée de la ville, le cas de Wrocław XII–XV s.”, in: L’antropologie de la ville médiévale, ses aspects matériels et culturels, ed. M. Tymowski (1999)

“Melioratio terrae’ and system transformations on lands to the East of the Odra during the Thirteenth Century and the Late Middle Ages”, in: Poteri economici e poteri politici. Sec. XIII–XVIII. Atti della “Trentesima Settimana di Studi”, 27 aprile1 maggio 1998, ed. S. Cavaciocchi (1999)

Jerozolima – Rzym – Compostela. Wielkie pielgrzymowanie u schyłku średniowiecza (Jerusalem – Rome – Compostela. Great Pilgrimages at the End of the Middle Ages), 2008

“Sacred Geography of a Town”, Acta Poloniae Historica (2010)