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Organizational team of ICHG2018 Warsaw and, at the same time, members of the Department of Historical Atlas of the Tadeusz Manteuffel Institute of History, Polish Academy of Sciences would like to acknowledge our partners for their effort support in preparation … Czytaj dalej
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5th circular
Dear ICHG 2018 Participant! There are now only 2 days to start! Here are some final remarks concerning your visit in Warsaw: Registration & Venue The conference will take place at the University of Warsaw, 26/28 Krakowskie Przedmieście Street, PL-00-927 … Czytaj dalej
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4th circular
Programme We are pleased to announce the final programme of the conference. Printed version of the programme will be waiting for you in Warsaw, available at the registration desk (see: venue). Invoices Invoices for those, who have not received them … Czytaj dalej
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Dear ICHG 2018 participants! Thank you for registration and payment. We hope that you will enjoy your trip to Poland. To make it even more unforgettable you can participate in ICHG additional events! We would like to remind you that … Czytaj dalej
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Provisional programme
We present a provisional conference programme. Until the 7th of May 2018, we are waiting for your comments to the programme which may be subject to amendment. By the 7th of May 2018 payments of conference fees should be made … Czytaj dalej
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Submission acceptance information
Please, check your e-mails inboxes, since we have sent submission acceptance information! There will be nearly 500 papers at the conference! Next steps involve registering for the conference and paying the conference fee (you can use this link): Conference fees … Czytaj dalej
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Abstract evaluation & next conference
Thank you all for the proposals of sessions, posters and papers! We have approximately 500 contributions, and the ISC has to work on their evaluation right now. You will get notification of acceptance at the turn of January and February … Czytaj dalej
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Sponsorship and Exhibitors
The International Conference of Historical Geographers 2018 is a perfect opportunity to reach a specialist audience for your organisation. We expect more than 250 delegates from around the World to participate at Warsaw’s conference for five days. The conference addresses … Czytaj dalej
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Registration deadline extended
We would like to inform, that contribution submission deadline for ICHG 2018 has been extended to 28.10.2017 for papers and sessions and to 11.11.2017 for posters, so You have some more time to prepare and submit a paper or session and even more to … Czytaj dalej
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HGRG-ICHG Bursary Scheme
We are pleased to announce that HGRG has enabled the creation of a new bursary grant fund to support scholars’ attendance at the 17th International Conference of Historical Geographers. Grants up to a maximum value of £1,500 will be available to … Czytaj dalej
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