
Guests of the conference

The University of Warsaw, as the host and co-organizer of the conference, can determine up to 10 people each day who will have the right to participate in the proceedings without registration and fees for the day. The decision concerning the selection of these people is made by the UW representative in the LOC Presidium. These persons should wear an ID with „University of Warsaw” written on it.

In addition, for each group of sessions held simultaneously (time slot), the conference reception office can issue up to 20 identifiers for listeners interested in one session. Those applying for this type of free admission should register at the reception area and sign the rules of participating in the session as a guest (registered participants are prioritized in accessing places in the room, participating in the discussion and using the coffee service), after which they will receive a conference badge with the indicated duration of their participation and „GUEST” written on it. Each badge allows its holder to stay in the conference building during the session itself, as well as up to 10 minutes before its start and up to 10 minutes after its completion. Attendance as a guest is only allowed once per person. However, a member of the LOC Presidium may waive this rule if there is limited interest in such an offer of participation in the conference.